Welcome to the Broadmoor Nurse's Office.
At Broadmoor we strive to keep the students healthy.
Nutrition is an important part of staying healthy. All students can eat breakfast at school for free. So try to get your child here early enough each morning to eat breakfast, if they are unable to eat at home.
Rest is also a vital part to learning. If a child does not get enough rest they have a more difficult time focusing in class. Make sure your child is getting plenty of rest each night.
Handwashing is the number one way to prevent the spread of illness, especially at school. We have Scrubby Bear come in to teach kindergarten and first grade the importance of handwashing. Then we continue to encourage all age groups to wash their hands frequently. We have plenty of soap and hand gel available to them.
A child can't learn when they don't feel well, so please keep your child at home when they are ill. They need to be fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medications, to return to school. If you take them to see the doctor, please bring in a doctor's note. Remember if your child is ill, you need to call the office to excuse them for that day.
[email protected]
We hope you and your family stay healthy this school year. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesistate to call me at the school, 433-1500.