Visitors on Campus
Parents and other visitors are welcome to visit Broadmoor Elementary. For the safety of those within the school setting, all visitors are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of courtesy and conduct. Disruptive behavior will not be permitted. All visitors to campus must enter our building using only the front entrance and report to the office to sign in and receive a visitor pass to wear while on campus. Please be prepared to show a picture ID when visiting our school or checking your student out of our school.
Lunch Visitors
All lunch visitors must follow the established check-in and check-out procedures. The principal or teachers on duty may designate a table for lunch visitors.
Classroom Observations
Parents/Guardians who wish to visit their child’s classroom must make arrangements with their child’s teacher. Please remember that parents/guardians are there as observers and should not become involved in discussions or classroom activities unless invited to do so by the teacher. To maintain an orderly educational environment, parents/guardians should not bring siblings or other children with them for classroom observations. Cell phones should be turned to silent while in the instructional setting. To schedule an observation in your child’s classroom, please email the teacher directly. Your child’s teacher can be found at Once there, go to Broadmoor Elementary’s homepage and then staff. All staff members have a link from which they can be contacted. You can also leave a message for them at 433-1500.
Teacher Conferences
If there is a need for a discussion with a teacher, a conference must be scheduled outside of the teacher’s instructional time when they are not supervising students. To schedule a teacher conference, please email the teacher directly or call and leave a message to make an appointment with that teacher before 3:25 for a conference the following day. Your child’s teacher can be found by email under Once there, go to Broadmoor Elementary’s homepage and then staff. All staff members have a link from which they can be contacted. Parents are expected to check into the front office and sign in the building and get a visitors pass before going to the classroom to conference with the teacher.