Partners In Education
PTA Board Members for the 2021-2022 School Year
President~Nicole Ross
Vice President~
Assistant Treasurer~
Broadmoor Elementary PTA would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year! You might ask, "What does PTA stand for?" That is easy, Parent Teacher Association! PTA is Broadmoor's parent, grandparent, and family volunteer organization at that partner with the school and staff to help out where we are needed. PTA membership is not only open to parents, but also to school faculty, guardians, and community members who want to be involved by helping out around the school.
PTA helps to raise money for things that are not in the school budget. The money we raise is put directly back into Broadmoor, whether it be to purchase something for the school, the teachers or the students.
Broadmoor PTA is always looking for volunteers! There are opportunities for both working and nonworking members. We organize the fundraisers, book fairs, holiday stores, yearbooks and play day. We provide for Staff Appreciation, student birthdays and help with the fall food drive. If there is an event at Broadmoor, PTA is there to help. Volunteering to help is not something that takes a lot of time or effort. If you could offer at least 2 hours of your time during our two book fairs and at our holiday store, that would be a tremendous help! There are also other various things that we will need help with throughout the year.
If you are interested in joining PTA please contact the school office or your child's teacher. Yearly membership is $3 per person. We have regular meetings after school, usually the second Tuesday of the month. The dates are listed at the bottom of the page. Meetings are not mandatory to be a member, however we do like to have everyone's input when making a decision that affects our students and their school.
Thank you for taking an interest in your child's future and helping to make Broadmoor the best school around!
Nicole Ross
PTA President 2021-2022 `
Volunteer Opportunities
In the Classroom - Contact your child's teacher for opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. Help is always needed for class projects, parties, and field trips.
In the Library - Contact Maria Granados if you have interest in helping in the library. The library is in the process of computerizing the inventory of books.
Opportunities for Dads - Check with your child's teacher to schedule a day to help on the playground following your Child's lunch. Bring a Nerf ball and throw to the boys or bring a soccer ball and play goalie for the girls. If you want to have extra time with your child, bring your lunch and eat with them. All of this can fit in your lunch hour.
Membership Dues are only $3.00 per year!!!
"Like" our Broadmoor Elementary PTA Facebook page to keep up with all the happenings!